
Mastering the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard: Benefits and Requirements

While not required by supermarkets or retailers, the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard offers food producers a way to exceed industry norms and meet growing consumer demand for verified vegan products. This article explores the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard, providing a clear overview of its applicability, the advantages of certification, and its fundamental requirements, helping you decide if it's the right choice for your business.

What Is the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard?

The BRCGS Plant-Based Standard, launched with its first issue in 2020, sets a comprehensive framework for companies producing plant-based products. The Standard is voluntary, and while it is not required to sell your products, it marks your commitment to going above and beyond in reassuring your customers of

the authenticity and safety of your plant-based offerings.

This standard is designed to provide assurance to customers in several critical areas:

Why “Plant-Based” Certification?

The choice of "plant-based" certification over "vegan" or "vegetarian" is strategic, driven by consumer preferences. According to research by Mattson, the term "plant-based" resonates more strongly with the majority of consumers compared to "vegan" or "vegetarian". This distinction is crucial because while "vegan" and "vegetarian" often suggest a complete lifestyle choice, "plant-based" is frequently chosen for health reasons, appealing to a broader audience that may not necessarily want to exclude meat entirely. This makes the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard not only a mark of quality and safety, but also an indicator of alignment with consumer preferences and market trends.

Does the Standard Apply to Me?

The BRCGS Plant-Based certification is meticulously designed to cater to a wide range of operations within the food industry, ensuring that plant-based products are free from animal-derived inputs throughout their entire production journey. Here's who it's designed for:

The Plant-Based Certification is designed to be robust enough to stand alone as a significant marker of compliance and quality. However, it is also structured to complement other GFSI benchmarked schemes, offering flexibility for companies that are pursuing or have achieved other certifications.

Benefits of BRCGS Plant-Based Certification

Here are the key advantages of achieving certification:

Risk Mitigation: By identifying and correcting non-conformities, the Standard helps reduce the risk of animal product contamination. This proactive approach ensures the integrity of the manufacturing process, safeguarding against the potential fallout from failing to meet stringent plant-based criteria.

Brand Confidence: Achieving certification significantly boosts brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to meeting consumer expectations for plant-based products. It reassures customers about the absence of animal inputs, enhancing trust and loyalty in your brand.

Market Access and Value Addition: Certification opens doors to new markets, particularly where consumers are increasingly demanding authentic plant-based options. It adds value to your products, distinguishing them in a competitive market as verified plant-based, appealing to a broader consumer base.

Increased Efficiency: The Standard encourages continuous improvement in production processes and management systems, leading to greater efficiency. It supports the development of systems that not only ensure the plant-based integrity of products but also optimize production flow, reducing waste and enhancing product availability.

Key Requirements of the Plant-Based Standard

Key requirements from the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard include:

  1. Senior Management Commitment: Requires active leadership and provision of necessary resources for the Plant-Based Management System (PBMS), a structured system to ensure that all aspects of producing plant-based products — from sourcing ingredients to final packaging — comply with specified standards.

  2. Food Safety Plan HACCP: Necessitates the creation of a hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plan tailored to plant-based products.

  3. PBMS Maintenance and Reassessment: Calls for regular reviews and updates to the Plant-Based Management System (PBMS) to ensure its effectiveness.

  4. Documentation and Records: Mandates keeping accurate records and documents for all aspects of the PBMS.

  5. Internal Audits: Requires conducting periodic internal audits to evaluate the PBMS's effectiveness.

  6. Supplier and Ingredients Approval and Performance Monitoring: Involves evaluating and monitoring suppliers and ingredients for compliance with plant-based standards.

  7. Ingredient and Input Receipt and Acceptance: Ensures all received ingredients and inputs meet specified plant-based criteria.

  8. Suppliers of Services: Requires vetting of all service suppliers to ensure they comply with plant-based standards.

  9. Specifications: Demands clear specifications for all products, ingredients, and services that align with plant-based requirements.

  10. Traceability: Ensures the ability to trace all plant-based products and ingredients throughout the supply chain.

  11. Complaint Handling: Involves managing and responding to customer complaints related to plant-based products.

  12. Product Recall and Withdrawal: Establishes procedures for recalling or withdrawing products that don’t meet plant-based standards.

  13. Product Development: Covers requirements for developing new plant-based products, ensuring compliance from conception to market.

  14. Approval and Control of Labels: Specifies the need for accurate labeling that reflects the plant-based nature of products.

  15. Product Authenticity, Claims, and Chain of Custody: Requires verification of product claims related to being plant-based, including authenticity and chain of custody.

  16. Marketing Claims: Dictates how marketing claims regarding the plant-based attributes of products should be substantiated and communicated.

  17. Cross-Contamination Control: Addresses the need for measures to prevent cross-contamination with non-plant-based materials.

  18. Control of Recipes and Formulations: Requires control and documentation of plant-based recipes and formulations to ensure consistency and compliance.

  19. Segregation and Disposal of Obsolete and Waste Material: Outlines how to properly segregate and dispose of non-compliant or waste material to prevent contamination.

  20. Plant-Based Awareness Training: Mandates training for all staff on the importance and specifics of maintaining plant-based integrity throughout production and handling processes.

The Audit Process

The audit process for the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard involves a thorough evaluation conducted by certified auditors to assess a company's compliance with the specified requirements.

  1. Initially, the company undergoing the audit must prepare by ensuring that their Plant-Based Management System (PBMS) is fully implemented and documented, covering all requirements laid out above.

  2. The audit itself typically includes a review of documentation, interviews with staff, and an on-site inspection to verify that the practices and procedures outlined in the PBMS are effectively implemented.

  3. Following the audit, any non-conformities must be addressed promptly, with corrective actions taken and documented.

  4. Successful completion of the audit leads to certification, signifying the company’s commitment to producing authentic plant-based products according to the highest standards.

Note: If you are working on the BRCGS Food Audit, you can include the Plant-Based Standard.

Partner with QIMA/WQS for Your BRCGS Plant-Based Certification

Choose QIMA/WQS for your BRCGS Plant-Based Certification to elevate your brand and ensure compliance with one of the most forward-thinking standards available today. With over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, QIMA/WQS stands ready to deliver comprehensive food safety and quality solutions tailored to your business needs. Our specialized focus on the food industry, combined with a team of locally experienced auditors approved for multiple schemes, enables us to support you through the certification process smoothly and efficiently.

Contact us to learn more about BRCGS certification or book an audit today.

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