Understanding WRAP Certification's 12 Principles for Ethical Manufacturing

Understanding WRAP Certification's 12 Principles for Ethical Manufacturing

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production’s (WRAP) 12 principles are guidelines based on international workplace standards that ensure ethical and responsible manufacturing. Understanding these principles is critical for achieving WRAP certification, but it can be difficult to understand how each principle is applied and evaluated.

In this article, we will explore each of WRAP’s 12 principles, and explain what they cover and how the principles guide WRAP audit assessments. This guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to confidently navigate the WRAP certification process.

What Are WRAP’s 12 Principles?

WRAP’s 12 principles are guidelines that ensure ethical and responsible manufacturing in apparel, footwear, and sewn goods supply chains. They are based on international standards such as those from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

WRAP’s 12 principles cover essential aspects of workplace practices, including labor, health, safety, and environmental management. The principles are:

  1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

  2. Prohibition of Forced Labor

  3. Prohibition of Child Labor

  4. Prohibition of Harassment and Abuse

  5. Compensation and Benefits

  6. Hours of Work

  7. Prohibition of Discrimination

  8. Health and Safety

  9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

  10. Environment

  11. Customs Compliance

  12. Security

Compliance with WRAP’s 12 Principles: WRAP Certification Requirements

Each of WRAP’s 12 principles act as a framework for WRAP audit standards. Thus, the assessment of your facility during a WRAP audit is guided by the WRAP principles. Here is an overview of each of the WRAP principles and how each principle may apply to your facilities.

1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

Facilities must comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations. This includes labor and employment laws, business ethics, and environmental regulations. To meet these requirements, facilities should maintain up-to-date information on relevant laws, have written procedures for compliance, and appoint a qualified individual responsible for ensuring that the facility and its workforce are informed of any legal changes.

Questions for self-assessment include:

2. Prohibition of Forced Labor

Facilities must ensure that all employment is voluntary, with no use of forced, prison, or trafficked labor. Best practices include providing employment contracts in a language that workers understand, not withholding workers' identification documents, and ensuring that any recruitment fees are covered by the facility. These practices help prevent any form of coercion and support voluntary employment.

Questions for self-assessment include:

3. Prohibition of Child Labor

Facilities must comply with legal requirements concerning the minimum working age. This includes implementing strict age verification procedures, maintaining accurate records of workers' ages, and ensuring that young workers are not engaged in hazardous work. Adhering to these practices helps facilities avoid employing individuals below the legal working age and ensures that any young workers are employed under safe conditions.

Questions for self-assessment include:

4. Prohibition of Harassment and Abuse

Facilities are required to provide a work environment free from harassment, abuse, and corporal punishment. This includes establishing clear policies against harassment and abuse, providing training for all employees, and implementing a confidential grievance system. These measures ensure that workers' rights and dignity are respected, creating a safe and respectful workplace.

Questions for self-assessment include:

5. Compensation and Benefits

Facilities must pay workers at least the legal minimum wage and provide all mandated benefits. To comply, facilities should maintain accurate payroll records, ensure the timely payment of wages, and clearly communicate compensation policies to workers. Additionally, any legally required benefits, such as social insurance, must be provided and documented.

Questions for self-assessment include:

6. Hours of Work

Working hours must adhere to legal limits, including those on overtime and required rest periods. Facilities should implement timekeeping systems that accurately track hours worked and ensure compliance with legal requirements. Regular audits of time records can help identify discrepancies and ensure that workers are not overworked. Transparency and gradual improvement in managing work hours are essential for maintaining compliance.

Questions for self-assessment include:

7. Prohibition of Discrimination

Employment decisions must be based solely on an individual’s ability to perform the job, without discrimination. Facilities should establish and enforce non-discriminatory policies, provide training on fair employment practices, and regularly review employment decisions to ensure compliance with these policies. Documenting these practices is critical for demonstrating adherence during audits.

Questions for self-assessment include:

8. Health and Safety

Facilities must provide a safe and healthy working environment, including proper safety measures, emergency preparedness, and sanitation. Regular health and safety inspections, training programs, and risk assessments are essential for identifying and mitigating workplace hazards. Facilities that provide housing must ensure it meets health and safety standards.

Questions for self-assessment include:

9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Facilities must respect workers' rights to form and join unions and to bargain collectively. Compliance is ensured by having written policies that support these rights, providing effective grievance mechanisms, and documenting all practices related to freedom of association. These steps help maintain a fair and supportive workplace.

Questions for self-assessment include:

10. Environment

Facilities must comply with environmental regulations and adopt sustainable practices. This includes proper waste management, monitoring emissions, and implementing environmental management systems. Facilities should actively work to reduce their environmental impact by applying the principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Questions for self-assessment include:

11. Customs Compliance

Facilities must comply with customs laws, including accurate marking and labeling of goods. Maintaining detailed records of shipments, ensuring proper labeling, and regularly reviewing customs compliance procedures are critical for avoiding legal issues. Facilities should also have a system in place to track and document the origin of goods.

Questions for self-assessment include:

12. Security

Facilities must implement robust security measures to protect against illegal activities, including compliance with CTPAT guidelines. This involves conducting security risk assessments, maintaining security records, and training personnel on security procedures. Regular updates and audits of security measures help ensure ongoing compliance with WRAP’s security standards.

Questions for self-assessment include:

This is not a comprehensive list of all WRAP audit standards. For more information on WRAP certification requirements, see the WRAP Facilities’ Handbook.

Partner with QIMA for WRAP Audits and Certification

Partner with QIMA for expert WRAP audits and certification, ensuring your facility meets high ethical standards. Our experienced auditors help you demonstrate compliance with all 12 WRAP principles, allowing you to achieve certification and enhance your brand’s reputation.

Learn more about our WRAP certification services, or contact us to book today.

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