A woman gently assisting a baby in a crib

Proposed Rulemaking for Bassinets and Cradles: Ensuring Enhanced Safety Standards

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to revise the existing safety standard for bassinets and cradles. The proposed rule aims to enhance safety measures and address identified hazards associated with these products.

Key Points and Impacts:

Adoption of ASTM F2194-22e1: The proposed rule will adopt ASTM F2194-22e1, with modifications, as the new safety standard for bassinets and cradles. This ensures that identified hazards are effectively addressed and the highest level of safety is provided to consumers.

Scope of the Proposed Rule: The proposed rule covers a range of products, including:

Businesses manufacturing, supplying, and selling these products need to comply with the new safety requirements.

Hazard Mitigation: The modifications in the standard specifically target hazards associated with bassinets and cradles. These include addressing:

Businesses involved with manufacturing, distributing, and selling bassinets and cradles will need to ensure compliance with the proposed safety standards. This may involve product redesign, material selection, and manufacturing process adjustments. Additionally, companies should stay updated on the progress of the proposed rulemaking and be prepared to adapt their practices accordingly.

To ensure compliance for juvenile products, it is recommended to have product safety testing conducted by a reliable third-party provider such as QIMA.

For the latest updates on product safety standards and regulations, visit Regulatory Updates. We provide regular updates to help you stay informed and ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

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